I so cant wait till next year.  WHO WANTS TO GO TO MARTIN WITH ME?!  lalala im so tired of being at this skool.  its just too hard.  i hate reading and lately the homework has been “reading reading reading” i have partial dyslexia come on reading isnt my thing.  anyhow…yeah i wanna go to martin.  cos the sooner i go there…the sooner i can graduate…and the sooner i graduate the sooner i move in with………..LAURIE!  yeah thats right…its gunna be awesome…going to uta and have sleepovers…every night.  man we’re so gunna stay up till 6 every night…as usual.  blah…but yeah uh im in journalism and im tired of typing here so adios

Are you spoiled?

if you get over 40 you’re spoiled

(x)own car
(x)own cell phone
( )own phone line
( )own bathroom
(x)own room
( )built in pool
( )guest house
( )game room
(x) tv in your room
Total = 4

(x) queen-size bed
( ) more than 20 pairs of shoes
( )10+ things from a designer store
(x)good grades
( )expensive sunglasses
( )name brand purse
( )ipod
( )xbox
( )ps2
( )mp3 player
Total = 2

( )range rover
( )basketball hoop
( )air hockey table
( )pool table
(x)ping pong table
( )foos ball table
( )trampoline
( )live on a lake or pond
( )own a pair of skiis
( )own a snowboard
Total = 1

( )has a boat
( )has a jet ski
( )has a beach house or cabin
( )only child
(x)stereo system in bedroom
()dvd player in room
( )100+dvd’s
( )gets $50+ for allowance each month
( )goes shopping every month
( )shops at abercrombie or hollister
Total= 1

( )goes snowboarding or skiing every week
(x)2+ family cars
( )msn
( )yahoo
(x)5+ trophies/medals
( )own digital camera
( )walk in closet
Total = 4

( )electric scooter
( )dirt bike
( )4-wheeler(go-cart)
( )guitar/drums
( ) hammock
( )been on a cruise
(x)traveled out of the country
( )personal fit trainer
(x)expensive jewelry
( )owns prada bag
(x)met a celebrity
Total = 3

(x)straightener/curling iron/hairdryer
( )gets hair done/nails/spas
( )on/was on a varsity team for school
( )own batting cage
( )100+ in wallet/purse right now
( )own savings account
( )been to the carribean
( )been to europe
(x)been to hawaii
Total = 2

( )been to new york
( )hopped in seattle
( )eaten at the space needle in seattle
( )been to mall of america
( )spent $500 or more in mall of america
( )been on the eiffel tower in paris
( )been on the statue of liberty in new york
(x)been on honor roll for 2+ years
( )went on a trip for a sweet 16 birthday
( )owns on private property
( )license
( )moved 3+ times
Total = 1

( )sports car
( )hot tub
( )ranch
( )verizon/sprint/cricket/nextel
( )virgin mobile
(x)been to 5+ states in the us
( )have a job
(x)100+ buddies on messenger
(x)go to private school (public skool next year : D)
Total = 5

(x)alarm clock
(x)home cooked meal almost every day
( )eat out almost every day
( )been in a limo
( )own camcorder
(x)own laptop computer
( )own desktop computer
(x)someone loves you
Total= 4


I got 27…

Today :: survey
& What’s the weather like? cold and windy
& What did you do? went to the doctors and talked on the fone all day
& Have you eaten breakfast yet? i didnt eat breakfast no
& What did you eat? …nothing…i only had mcdonalds for lunch
& What do you see when you like out the window or door or peephole? my neighbors house
& Have you exercised? cant move
& What do you plan to do for the rest of the day or tomorrow? richards comn over tomorow
& When did you wake up? 4, then 6 55, then 8, then 10, then 11 lol
& Have you eaten lunch yet? mcdonalds
& What did you eat? ^
& Have you gone out to eat and where? …mcdonalds
& Did you buy anything? yessss!
& Has something changed drastically today? um yeah sorta i guess…i found out i hafta take physical therapy for the first time in my life
& Are you happy? no
& Did you sing aloud today? yeah lol i just did actually “smile for me daddy, i wanna see ur grill, u wanna see my what, ur ur grill, ur ur ur grill…”
& Did you talk to a friend on the phone? my boyfriend
& On AIM? yup
& In person? garret
& Did you get mail? hah no
& What was it (junk, bills, personal letters)? nothing
& How many times have you gone to the bathroom so far? like twice hahaha
& Have you taken a nap? well idk if they counted as naps…but i guess yeah?
& How long have you been on the computer? hahaha like allllllll day
& What are you listening to at the moment? this gay song called “stupid girl”
& What is one thing that happened today that you will never forget? finding out i had to take physical therapy
& Is anyone in the room with you? no
& How many people are on your buddy list, if you’re on it? 23
& Are you feeling lazy? omg yes
& Are you feeling bored? mmhm
& What have you accomplished today? eaten once, gone to the doctor, listened to music, and talked on the fone…OH and i watched one tree hill and beauty & the geek
& Was there any questions that were repeated? lol ummmm yeah richard repeated alot of questions lol but it was fun

dang thats all? eh oh well…

pray for me plzz…i tore a ligament in my ankle…and it could pretty much get worse in my life…cos ive sprained my ankle (the same one every time) 6 times in the past 7 years.  the doctor said to be verrrrry careful cos it could affect me ever playing volleyball again.  i was gunna play this spring…but now i cant.  and i hafta take 4 weeks of physical therapy…going 3 days a week.  its not gunna be fun but o well…it needs to get better…like now.  but yeah just plllz pray for me.  thnx!!!



[The Basics]
First Name: Bekah
Date of Birth: 12/15/88
Nicknames: Bek, Tripple B, Rebeekie, Rafiki, idk…many others
Where were you born? Fort Worth
Are you Male or Female? soy una chica
What time were you born? 3 pm
Astrological Sign: sag.
Job? none
Where do you live right now? Arlington
Eye Color: blue, green, gray, silver a mix of 2 or more…its complicated
Describe your hair: blonde (even after i dyed it brown), medium length…kool i guess
Height: 5’7”
Righty or lefty? both
Heritage/Race/Nationality: white?
Innie or Outie? innie
Age: 17
Sexual Orientation: straight!!!!
Tattoos: none
Piercings: 1 in each ear

Where were you born? All Saints Hospital
What day (ex: April 7, 1987)? December 15, 1988
What time? …3 pm
Is there anything that was weird about your birth? nope
How old were you when you started talking? idk i dont remember
What was your first word? um idk
Who was your first best friend? leigh anne
How did you know each other? preschool
What was your favorite thing to do with them? play house?
What hospital were you born in? #1 up there ^
What was the first house you lived in? this one
Did you have more boy friends or girl friends? girls
Did you play with Barbies? ohhhh yes
Did you play with Lincoln Logs? whaty whats?
Did you play dress up? yup…every day
Did you play house? ^
What was preschool like? fun
What was kindergarten like? even more fun
Did you suck your thumb? no
Did you watch Barney? *sigh* yes…that annoying dude
Did you watch Blues Clues? when i could
Did you watch Power Rangers? i wasnt allowed to…”too violent”
What are some random memories? idk
Where did you grow up? here
Did you have an imaginary friend? no
Did you like to dance? yes…to jamberry jam
Did you take dance classes? yes
Do you still live in the same house that you grew up in? mhm
Do you still live in the same town? yeeeah
What were you deathly afraid of? “b-u-g bugs!”
Were you ever mean to other kids? no i was the reject
Were other kids ever mean to you? yeah ^
Did you have a babysitter? sumtimes
Did you go to day care? no
Did you ever get really hurt (physically)? uhh no?
Were you abused? nope
What did you do on a typical day? played with neighbors
Do you wish you were still little? kinda but not really

Do you want to go to college? YES
Where and why? uta…cos its the best engineering skool around
What would you major in? interior design
Do you want to get married? mmmhm
Do you want to have kids? YES OMG
If so, how many? 3
What would you name them? michael, nicole, and brooke…i just talked to laurie about this…how weird
Where would you want to have your honeymoon? the caribbean
If you got married, would you keep your last name? nah…i wish i could tho
What do you want your first pet to be? A DOGGIE!
What would you name it? um idk maybe max? or jason?
What jobs are you interested in? right now? clothing..
Why? cos i like clothes…is that a crime?
Where do you want to live and why? texas…to be close to my family (lame i know but o well)
What car do you want? a mustang!

Drinks: dp, root beer, cream soda, orange soda, sprite, and bawls
Foods: chicken and pizza
Movie: uhm…idk? prolly skool of rock…i never get tired of it
Book: the bible and advice books
Disney Movie: too hard…prolly lion king…or aladdin, orrrrr cinderella
Actress: i have too many so dont ask
Actor: ^
Color: pink and black, red, blue
TV Show: supernatural
TV Channel: wb 33
Computer Game: the sims
Video Game: ctr
Board Game: monopoly?
Card Game: hmm…nertz?
Video Game Console: no idea
Amusement Park Ride: the titan…i think
Mall: i like the parks…but i also like the one in sausalito
Amusement Park: six flags…i wanna go to the great america theme park in CA tho
Cereal: too many
Genre of Music: punk rock
Genre of Books: teen advice
Genre of Movies: comedy/romance
Song: sic transit gloria – Brand New
Music Album: idk
Pizza: mushroom, black olive, pepperoni
Music Artists: Brand New
Car: mustang
Radio Station: 102.1
Cartoon Character: simba!
Disney Character: ………simba
Winnie the Pooh Character: tigger : )
Animal: doggy
Salad Dressing: ranch…i say it like a texan…like “ray-inch”…its funny when u hear my uncle say it “rahnch” (hes british)
Item of Clothing (ex: shoes): band shirts haha
Soda: way up there ^
Flower: roses, sunflowers, hibiscus
Milkshake: banana
Burger: a regular one? …w/ cheese
Font: alot
Shampoo: herbal essences
Popsicle: the ones w/ cream
Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip…along w/ many others
Holiday: christmas
Gadget (ex: ipod): computers and stereos
Type of Food (ex: italian): italian and american
Conditioner: garnier fructis
Quote: too many
Teacher: Miss Suzy
Mexican Food: ewww
Chinese Food: uhh wantons? orrr um the sweet and sour pork
Italian Food: lots
Pie: pecan
Vegetable: okra!!!!!!!!!
Language: english…duhr…but i cant even talk it good
Bottled Water: dont care
Fruit: pineapple
Cake: strawberry or vanilla
Candy: chewy mini sweetarts
Day of the Week: friday and wednesday
Month: december and may
Berry: cherry?
Cheese: american
Guy’s Name: Michael
Season: Fall
Number: 5
Sport to Play: volleyball
Sport to Watch: hockey
Stuff to do on the weekend: hang out w/ friends
House you’ve lived in: this one…or actually…the one i imagine ill live in
City: too hard
State: hawaii
Country: the usa
Website: dollwar.com
Magazine: seventeen, or teen, or m, or j-14
Girl’s Name: Brooke
Shape: trapezoid…or octagon
Letter: M
IM Phrase: ….

Mom’s Name: Jan
Dad’s Name: Mike
Siblings’ Names/Ages: Sarah-15
Do you like your siblings? yeah
How many siblings do you wish you had? 1 hehe
Favorite Family Member: my dog…lol then yeah my sister
Are you the oldest, middle, only, or youngest? oldest
Would you change it? Why? eh no…cos i get to experience everything first…and she gets to be jealous dahaha
What would you have been named if you were the opposite gender? idr
What jobs has your dad had in the past? electrician…like he is now
What are some of his hobbies? sports
What does he do for a living now? electrician
What was he like in high school? idk…alot of girls liked him but he looked like a total dork
Where did he go to college? uta : )
Where is he from? tyler texas
What jobs has your mom had in the past? like a billion
What are some of her hobbies? like none
What does she do for a living now? nothing right now
What was she like in high school? weird
Where did she go to college? idk she went to like 3 different ones and then quit
Where is she from? idr where she was born
Which side of the family do you like better? well…i would say my dads…but id rather not answer this question…my family is too screwed up to know anymore
Which parent do you look most like? my dad i guess..but i look more like my aunt
Which parent do you act most like? my dad
Which one is the better chef? my mom
What are your grandparents’ names? Norma, Helen, Jim, and Dwayne ( but he recently died 😥 )
What are your parents’ siblings’ names? My dads bro, Steve (JERK) and my moms sis, Mickie
Are you an aunt/uncle? nope
Where does your extended family live? anywhere but here
Are your parents still together? yeah
Are you adopted? no
Pets: sammy : )

[This or That]
Windows or Apple? uhhh
Computer Games or Video Games? computer?
Christmas or Halloween? christmas!
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner? lunch
Cloth Napkin or Paper Napkin? paper
Caramel or Fudge? fudge
Whipped Cream or Cool Whip? whipped cream
Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
Summer or Winter? both
Fall or Spring? fall
Day or Night? night
McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds (even tho my bf works at burger king)
Hot or Cold? neither >.<
Ice Cream Cone or Bowl? CONE!
Europe or Asia? europe
Santa or the Tooth Fairy? santa hehe
Smooth or Chunky PB? both
AIM or MSN? aim
Bikini or One Piece? bikini
Movie or Microwave Popcorn? movie…deffiniately
Rock or Rap? rock
Burger or Hot Dog? burger
Nike or Adidas? nike
Britney or Christina? ….both need to die…like…NOW
Opera or Play? play…i hate opera
Movie or TV? tv
Sweet or Sour? sweeeet
Dog or Cat? dog
Xbox or PS2? uh dunno
Rain or Sun? rain
Snow or Storm? storm
Beach or Mountains? beach
Love or Lust? love
Black or White? what kind of sick question is this hahaha…its like the movie i saw today…like a quote in there yeah idk…its from the family stone
Blue or Red? blue
Pink or Purple? pink
Thunder or Lightning? thunder
Turtle or hamster? hamster…theyre soft
Full or empty? full
Messy or neat? messy
Black pen or blue pen? black
Cheetos or Fritos? cheetos
Bird or Bunny? bunny
Paperclip or safety pin? safety pins are fun
Scotch tape or duct tape? scotchy scotch scotch

[Opinions & Why]
Abortion: bad
President Bush: good
Rap: ….
Rock: : D
Country: x.x
Murder: : O death sentence
Suicide: stupid ppl
Terrorism: evil
Christianity: the right way
Communism: no
Global Warming: idk
Gay Marriage: STUPID
Obesity: gunna get worse than smoking
Virgins: theyre kool…
Teenage Parenthood: well…they shouldnt have messed around
Premarital Sex: thats how teenage parenthood happens
Pornography: sick
Britney Spears: the definition of pornography
England: where my uncle is from
Dogs: cuuuuuute
Cats: ugly
Canada: HOTT
Steroids: gay
Yankees: eh
Nazis: suck
Paris Hilton: sucks worse
Lindsay Lohan: oh gah
Hilary Duff: wth?!

[Have you ever]
Been in love? yup : )
Kissed someone of the same sex? my mommy and my sister
Kissed someone of the opposite sex? yes
Had sex? no
Met the president? nope
Watched porn? hah no
Prank-called? yess
Been prank called? yeah on halloween sum1 goes “wheres all the cheerleaders” and hung up i was like “uh….gay”
Been to a factory? yes
Made a scene in public to get your way? yup
Cried over a movie? hahaha yes
Met a celebrity? yup
Bungee jumped? no
Sky dived? no
Been scuba diving? no
Snorkeling? yes…hurt myself doing it too
Skipped school? yeeeah
Done something sexual with an animal? EW
Been to an amusement park? heck yeah
Been to a fair? mhm…good memories
Been to Disneyland? no : (
Been to Disneyworld? NO : (
Been to New York? not yet
Been to Microsoft? haha random…no
Been to LA? yes…i love it
Been to Hawaii? yes…i love that more
Been to the Grand Canyon? no
Been to the Coral Reef? no
Been to the Eiffel Tower? want to
Been to Venice? want to
Been to Europe? want to
Been to Africa? too many diseases
Been to Canada? want to!!!!!!
Been to Mexico? yes
Been to the Middle East? no way
Been to Asia? no
Been to Australia/New Zealand? want to : (
Been to Antarctica? hahahaha no
Taken dance lessons? yeah
Cut yourself? no
Contemplated suicide? yeah hasnt everyone?
Attempted suicide? well…i tried to drown myself once…but decided not to
Killed someone? no
Gotten held back? no
Said “I love you” to someone besides a relative? yess
Gotten engaged? not yet
Gotten married? no…4 years
Asked someone out and been rejected? no
Been asked out? yes
Been dumped? no
Dumped someone? no
Worn a uniform? yeeeeah
Worn a sports uniform? mhm
Made yourself throw up? no
Had an eating disorder? for a few days yeah…i was so hungry
Won a game of bowling? yeah
Written a love letter or poem? mhm like a ton
Had surgery? no
Been to overnight camp? lots of times
Been to day camp? ^
Been in a car accident? sorta
Wet your pants? when i was like 1
Snuck out? yeah
Made out? yeah
Broken the law? yeah haha good times
Done drugs? nope
Smoked? no way jose
Drink? yeah
Been in jail? no
Played spin the bottle? lol no
Played seven minutes in heaven? no
Started a fire? um…candles?
Walked into a glass door? *sigh* yes
Been to a circus? yeah…with grandpa *sniff*
Dated a teacher? eww gross
Liked a teacher? no
Been on TV? no but my uncle has haha
Been on the radio? yeah
Been in the newspaper? no?
Seen a living penguin? as opposed to a dead one? …yes ive seen a living penguin
Been robbed? almost
Played with Barbies? *coff* till i was 14 lol
Climbed a tree? yeah
Fallen from a tree? almost
Participated in a science fair? yeah had to
Broken/lost/stolen something important to someone else? *sigh* yessssss…just recently actually…but i bought him another one…sry kevin
Been to the zoo? hehehe yes
Shoplifted? a flower…and a shopping cart
Built a tree house? no
Been in a tree house? yes
Been snowboarding? no
Been skiing? no
Been to a baseball game? yes
Gotten a root canal? no
Gotten a cavity? yeah when i was little
Gotten an F? on a test and stuff yeah
Been home-schooled? no
Gone to boarding school? no
Been kicked out of a house (yours or someone else’s)? nope
Faked sick? haha yeah only like a thousand times
Broken a bone? no
Fainted? yes
Shaved? yes
Waxed? yes
Gone tanning (in a bed)? no
Dyed your hair? yes
Been to a counselor? no
Had a shot? yes

[Last time you]
Traveled: 1 week ago…for a funeral
Ate: cheerios
Drank: cranberry apple juice
Slept: yesterday
Listen to music: earlier
Went to school: friday
Saw a friend: today
Said I love you: tonight
Were embarrassed: uh idk

[For a billion dollars would you]
Jump off the Empire State Building onto a giant pillow? no
Eat a whole human brain? EWW
Kill your parents? no
Kill your best friends? no
Kill the president? no
Shoot your foot? no
Stab your eye out with a paperclip? no
Drink a glass of coagulating blood? ewwwwwww no
Get AIDS? no
Perform at a strip club? lol no
Eat a bug? yeah *ew*
Gain 50 pounds? noooooo
Go to school naked? no way
Give up your hearing? nu-uh
Give up your eyesight? ….no
Shave your head? no
Get hit by a bus? no
Agree to die in five years? no

[Last person you]
Saw: sarah
Spoke to: sarah
Kissed: richard
Ate with: myself
Sang with: evan lol
Hung out with: richard
Shopped with: christy and sara
Laughed with: richard
Studied with: myself
High fived: uh…matt?
Liked: richard
Loved: ^
Bit: ^ hehe…i bit his tongue…we decided to experiment dahaha
Licked: richard
Rolled your eyes at: idr
Talked to on the phone: richards mom
Imed: laurie
Traveled with: my family
Last songs you listened to: idk…alot

am: tired
want: to sleep
wish: i was asleep
have: to go to sleep
hate: skool
miss: richard
fear: being too tired tomorow
hope: i can finish my journalism homework by thursday :
listen to: the wind *shivvers*
hear: ..the wind
search: nuthn
wonder: when this survey will end
regret: that i started this thing
am wearing: a fall out boy shirt and pj pants
love: richard
ache: to see him again
eat: nuthn
drink: nuthn
am not: insane
dance: when i feel like it
sing: when i want to
cry: when i need to
write: when i have to
win: when i can haha
work: blah
lose: most of the time
confuse: everyone
need: richard
should: be asleep
watch: the screen
play: you

[In the opposite sex (or same sex)]
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Hair length: doesnt matter
Curly/Straight/Wavy/etc: doesnt matter
Clothing Style: kool
Fat or Skinny? average
(Girls) Skinny/Muscular or Big/Muscular: muscles!
(Guys) No Makeup or Makeup:
(Girls) Boxers or Briefs: boxers : )
(Guys) Bikini or Thong:
(Girls) Abs, Arms, or Legs: arms
(Guys) Boobs, Butt, or Legs:
(Girls) What sports? None or any
(Guys) Muscular or Flimsy?
(Girls) Video games or no? eh
(Guys) Athletic, Punk, Prep or Geek?
(Girls) Speedo or Trunks? trunks
(Guys) Bikini or One Piece?
(Girls) Jeans or Shorts? jeans
(Guys) Jeans or Skirts?
Tall or Short: taller than me
Punk or Prep: punk
Smart or Dumb: average

Current School: Grace Prep *blah*
Past schools: Park Springs
Favorite school: Park Springs
GPA: my skool…lol no I really don’t know
Favorite Class: math
Least Favorite Class: history or english
Best Class: math
Worst Class: right now its history
Do/did you like PE? No…unless it was free day
Grade Level: 11th
Mascot: lions

[Love and All That Jazz]
Have you ever been in love? yes
Who was your first crush? David
First love? Richard
First kiss? ^
Have you ever had sex? no
How many times? never
…or will you wait until marriage? yes
Do you think you’re slutty? Hahahaha im so not answering this

Do you think you’re prude? Hmm?
Are you taken or single? Taken ohhhhh yeah
Who was the last person you liked? Richard
Who do you like right now? ^
Who was the last person you went out with (not out of pity, force, etc)? ^
What was your longest relationship? ^…4 months
Have you ever been liked/asked out by someone you were totally not into? yes
Have you ever cheated? nope
Have you ever been cheated on? nope
How far have you gone? Uh idk the bases lol
Is flirting cheating? Its cheating in ur heart yeah


do you ever wish you could just take a glance into the future…just to see where you would be about 10 years from now.  To see if you really married the guy you thought you would, or have the job you really wanted, or if you have kids…and what they look like.  To see if you got accepted into the college you really wanted to go to?  I sure do.  I used to feel so sure about the future.  How come all of the sudden I dont?  Why do I feel this weird empty spot inside.  I hope I find out soon…cos i hate this feeling…and i will do nething i can to stop it.

oh yes…i get yet another ear infection.  ive had about like 50 in my lifetime now…no joke.  oh theyre so much fun.

but anyyhoo, funny thought. me and laurie were talkn on friday. and we thought itd be funny if ppl had thought bubbles over their heads all the time…that showed what they were thinkn about. so like…if ur out w/ ur bf and u start thinkn about another guy, u just start wavn ur hands above ur head tryn to clear ur thought bubble. and then ur bf is like “why are you gettn rid of ur thought bubble?” and yeah…itd just be weird. or u could be thinkn bad thoughts during skool and get sent to the office. its like the teacher goes “he was thinkn about his dog humpn his cat” and itd be perfectly normal to say…i guess. but ud know everythn every1 was thinkn…all the time. itd just be wayy weird. im glad ppl dont know what ur thinkn. if they did…dang…we’d all have no friends.

but yeah im tired and im gunna listen to music. hopefully ill feel good enuff to go to richs house tomorow.

Yi LoVe YoU, rIcHaRdY

Survey #3:

// Ver. 1

–Name: Bekah Wilson
–Birthdate: December 15, 1988
–Birthplace: Fort Worth
–Current Location: Arlington
–Eye color: blue, green, and gray…depending on my mood
–Hair color: blonde/brown
–Height: 5’7”
–Righty or Lefty: sumtimes both…mainly right tho
–Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
–Innie or Outtie: innie

// Ver. 2 – Describe

–Your Heritage: idk american?
–The Shoes You Wore Today: my black ones w/ the cute bow thingy
–Your Weakness: cussing
–Your Fears: uh dying? idk
–Your Perfect Pizza: olives, pepperoni, and mushrooms
–One thing You’d Like to Achieve: become an interior designer/decorater

// Ver.3

–What is your most overused phrase?: “like whoa”
–Your first thoughts waking up: “i love richard…like whoa”
–The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
–Your best physical features: idk
–Your bedtime: whenever
–Greatest Fear: didnt they just have that
–Your Most Missed Memory: nikki?

// Ver.4

–Pepsi or Coke: coke
–McDonald’s or Burger King: mcdonalds
–Single or Group Dates: group
–Adidas or Nike: nike
–Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
–Cappucino or coffee: coffee (even though i dont like it)
–Boxers or Briefs: boxers!!!

// Ver.5

–Do you smoke?: no
–Cuss?: sumtimes yeah
–Sing Well?: idk
–Do you think you’ve been in love?: yes!
–Want to go to college: of course
–Liked High School?: hate it
–Want to get married?: mhm to rich
–Type with fingers on the right keys: lol yeah thats why i type so fast
–Get motion sickness: no way
–Think you’re attractive: not really
–Think you’re a health freak: hah not a chance
–Get along with parents: sumtimes
–Like Thunderstorms: YES!

// Ver.6 – in the past month, did/have you:

–Consumed Alchohol: no
–Have Sex: noooo
–Made Out: yup lol try the past week
–Gone On Date: a group date yeah
–Go To the Mall: yes
–Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
–Eaten Sushi: ewww no
–Gone Skating: no but i want to
–Made Homemade cookies: no
–Been in Love: yesss
–Gone Skinny Dipping: no but thatd be fun
–Dyed your hair: i did in october but not in the past month no
–Stolen Anything: no

// Ver.7

–Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: nuh-uh
–Been trashed or completely intoxicated: no
–Been caught “doing something”?: …no?
–Been Called a “Tease”: rich said that i tease him…but in a good way
–Shoplifted?: no

// Ver.8

 –Age you hope to be married?: 21-24
–Numbers and Names of Children?: oh gah too many names…i want 2 girls
–Describe your dream wedding: on the beach in the caribbean
–How do you want to die?: in my sleep
–Where do you want to go to college: UTA
–What do you want to be when you grow up?: an interior designer/decorater
–most like to visit?: Caribbean

Survey #13:

x\ spell your name backwards: Hakeber (since i have like dyslexia its easy for me)
x\ have you ever had a song written about you: dont think so
x\ what song makes you cry: idr
x\ what song makes you happy: alot i guess drops of jupiter
x\ what’s your all time fav. song?: noooooo idea
x\ what do you listen to before you go to sleep: blink 182 
x\ height: 5’7”
x\ hair color: blonde/brown
x\ piercings: ears
x\ tattoos: none

 Right Now . . .
x\ what color pants are you wearing: plaid guy’s pj pants
x\ what song are you listening to: i was listening to blink but nuthn now
x\ what taste is in your mouth?: fruit
x\ whats the weather like?: clowdy and cold
x\ how are you?: um fine and how are you? haha
x\ get motion sickness?: no
x\ have a bad habit?: yes
x\ get along with your parents?: kinda
x\ boyfriend/girlfriend: mmmhm
x\ have a current crush: my bf
x\ have a big regret: not nemore

Favorite . . .
x\ tv show: Supernatural
x\ conditioner: Garnier fructis
x\ book: the bible
x\ non alchohol drink: pina coladas baby
x\ alchohol drink: dont like alcohol
x\ things to do on the weekend: see rich

Have You Ever . . .
x\ broken the law: kinda
x\ ran away from home: lol kinda 
x\ snuck out of the house: …kinda
x\ ever gone skinny dipping: no
x\ made a prank phone call: hah yeah
x\ tipped over a portapotty: no
x\ use your parents credit card: yeah
x\ skipped school before: yeah
x\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: lots of times
x\ been in a school play: sadly yes
x\ had a boyfriend/girlfriend: RICH!
x\ had children: no but i want them
x\ been in love: i am right now
x\ have a hard time getting over someone: yeeeeeah
x\ been hurt?: yup
x\ gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: no

Random . . .
x\ have a job: no i need one tho
x\ your cd player has what in it right now: 4 cds by blink 182
x\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: pink maybe
x\ what makes you happy?: friends and my bf
x\ the next CD you’re going to buy: cant say

 When/What Was the Last . . .
x\ you got a real letter: like never haha
x\ got an email: a few days ago
x\ thing you purchased: sarahs bday present
x\ Tv program you watched: Related
x\ movie you saw in the theaters: Zathura
x\ kiss: Rich on Sunday
x\ hugged: josh yesterday
x\ song heard: idk the name but its by blink
x\ place you were [ besides home ]: CVS
x\ phonecall: like 30 minutes ago…rich
x\ you were depressed: uh a few weeks ago…but like clinically? summer before last
x\ you were in the hospital: to visit my gpa like a month ago

When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
x\ car: my truck
x\ murder: cops
x\ cape: the ocean
x\ penis: hahahahaha evan
x\ cell: rich
x\ shoe: converse
x\ fun: movies
x\ crush: a heart
x\ music: blink 182 haha
x\ chalk: ewww school…but then regan and mckenna

— Survey by x___surveys

i love surveys!

How wrong do these pics look?

<shes eating corn…it was a headline haha jay leno was like “u can bet shes got a date every night”
 <showin how big his “melons” are lol jay said that in the article the guy said “my wife and i worked on growing these melons together”

lol yeeah…and heres sumthn funny for all u ppl who arent laughing already…haha its sad tho:

<read the first letter in each of the 7 lines.

and then yeah…this is for the ppl who LOVE “elf”:

there u go…i have nuthn to say really…so there u go…thats all for now

go here http://www.purevolume.com/therealyou and here http://www.purevolume.com/straylightrun

for straylight run…listen to the 2nd and 3rd songs.  they’re GOOOD!

Hooray!  One more day of skool till Thanksgiving break!  oh i most definitely can make it.  DNow is this weekend too.  haha its so funny how ur life can change during 1 year.  last year when dnow came around…i liked 2 guys: tony and jordan.  the first nite of dnow, tony lied and said that his dad had died , and i had realized i didnt like jordan anymore…as a crush…just as a friend .  and i hadnt met or even heard of rich .  now, tony’s in jail  (who cares) and jordan and i dont talk  (lol) and im in LoVe w/ richard .  But anyhow, now instead of me thinkn about tony all weekend…ill be thinkn about rich and how much i miss him.  but i get to see him sunday!  anyway, christmas is comn up and im sooo excited about that!  yay for early christmas musiq hahaha.  well im off…ill leave u w/ sum pics of: AWESOME guys dancing like pansies!!


ok ok ok…so becky is hott..but not as hot at me

…that was becky

so anyway…wednesday was fun i guess. matt brought me dp, pez, pretzels, and gave me a couple bites of his “steak n taters”.  ohhhh gosh…becky is using my *ahem* “sex toy” and she just goes “ohh…this is wonderful!”  and i was like WHAT NO. but yeah inside joke…shes a dork. i like my bawls.  we’re singing to chicago now and jesses lookn at me like im a FREEEEEAK!  but oh well…thats just cos i am.  but yeah um hmm…idk what to say.  last saturday was osm…i went to see a movie…with rich and laurie and matt.  and it was fun…especially…*ahem* the movie.  yeah idk…but btw the legend of zorro is GOOOOOOD!  i love it!  but yeah tonite im takn becky and jesse to a hockey game hooray…im gunna go now tho…byebye

~~~Tttrrriiipppllleee Bbb~~~